And that's just the inside!
Then there are the 3 acres of lawn and gardens that you always wish will have miraculously been cleaned up when the snow melts to reveal them again. Of course you never get used to the fact that even though you thought you cleaned up all the leaves in the Fall there are almost as many to clean up again in the Spring. However, we have a very special way of dealing with the leaves which I will share with reader in a future post.
Over the next few weeks we will endeavour to share a little of what it takes to get ready to open again.
We are very excited about the thought of welcoming guests to the Inn for the 2009 season. We already know from our early bookings that we will be meeting people from all over North America and across the Atlantic Ocean.
If you are thinking of visiting our part of the world this summer we encourage you to check out the Hillsdale House Inn website and the Special Offers and Packages page of this Blog for ideas.